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How can I disapprove a review item in RRC

Erwin Kunz (94687086) | asked Jul 08 '13, 4:19 a.m.
RRC 4.0.2

Using the build in review report I've seen that there is a field Disapproved.
I have also seen in the RPE Template that there is the field artifactsDisapproved

But I was not able to find in any mask of the review workflow a way to set Disapproved.

Can somebody help

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Lauren Hayward Schaefer (3.3k11727) | answered Jul 11 '13, 6:57 a.m.
Hi Erwin,
I played around a bit with reviews in RRC.  It looks like when you add a participant to a review, you can choose between making them a Reviewer or Approver.  Reviewers don't get to vote approve/disapprove--they just mark the artifact as reviewed.  Approvers get to mark the artifacts as approve/disapprove. 
Erwin Kunz selected this answer as the correct answer

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