RQM4.0.2: display "Test Cases Impacted by Defects" report as graph instead of table

Is there any settings I can change to display the report as a graph?
Accepted answer


Thanks WangJun for the prompt suggestion.
Other than using RRDI, in RQM itself, we don't have any way to change the settings, is that right? I actually have a user who provides the screenshot of this report in a graph but when I try, I can only see the result in a table, so I am wondering if RQM has any way to do that or that graph means the user actually uses RRDI to generate the report.

It is table in the OOTB report in BIRT and Cognos. In theory, the user could also customize our BIRT report if he has some knowledge on it. :-) We suggest user use RRDI or Rational Insight to customize reports.

Thanks Jun for the clarification.
One other answer

In addition Jun Wang answer:
RRDI is the supported IBM Rational Solution, so you should use RRDI:
Rational Reporting Module 1: RDDI and IBM Rational Insight Introduction
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