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Accessing the plan types throwing the error in an unconfigured process

Ashwath G (6623951) | asked Jul 02 '13, 5:08 a.m.


We have created a ccm project based on unconfigured process template.

In the plan types it showed all the list of plan types.when we try to add the plan mode and save it throwed the fallowing error and all the plan types are missing.

We are not sure what need to be modifed, is any thing to be changed on the source configuration.

Please help me to resolve this issue.

Thank you in advance..


Error running operation 'Loading additional data for 'Plan Types'...'

Can't find data element for, flags=0, value=planmodes@default, from=, refines=false, defaultDefinition=)@getDefaultPlanMode. Expected one element, but found <missing argument>.

Can't find data element for, flags=0, value=planmodes@default, from=, refines=false, defaultDefinition=)@getDefaultPlanMode. Expected one element, but found <missing argument>.

Jayasimha K S commented Jan 17 '14, 7:18 a.m. | edited Jan 17 '14, 7:21 a.m.

I am testing the process sharing capability in RTC 4.0.4. I have a provider process area, that has a Formal process template and I have a consumer process area with "Unconfigured process" and sharing the process from provider.  when I try editing the plan types I get the same error reported Ashwath.

Mike Shkolnik commented Aug 21 '14, 7:21 p.m.

Did you get this resolved? I am having the same problem using the Simple template. I also cannot create a new plan - get the same error. It would appear there is no default planmode set but I found instructions for adding that manually to the process config source and it didn't help. Note that I was not originally getting this error. It appeared to start after I successfully edited Plan Type in the UI by adding Taskboard to the product backlog plan type. I tried removing the newly added view from the source and that didn't help either. I tried deleting the old iteration (there was only one) and adding a new one and that didn't help.

Mike Shkolnik commented Aug 21 '14, 8:28 p.m.

I was able to fix it by deleting the whole plan types section from the configuration source. I assume it reloaded from the template.

2 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Jul 02 '13, 6:28 a.m.
Please note the description of that template:
This process should be used for project areas that consume a shared process or that are used to manage work item access control. It does not provide any configuration.
This template is meant to be used with process sharing. The template has no timelines, no work item types and nothing that would be required to work with plans. I have never tried to start with just it and configure it to a point that it is usable.

However, I just tried with 4.0.3 and I was able to specify a plan without errors showing up.

Jayasimha K S commented Jan 22 '14, 12:33 a.m.

Dear Ralph,
    I am seeing the error reported by Ashwath in RTC 4.0.4. Please see my comment above.

Ralph Schoon commented Jan 27 '14, 5:52 a.m.

I would suggest to open a support request.

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Rohit Balduwa (945511) | answered Feb 27 '15, 5:46 a.m.
Hi Ashwath

An excerpt of manually modified PA configuration source file which has issues:
<configuration-data xmlns="<>" final="false" id="">
                               <plantype icon="/icons/obj16/backlog_plan_obj.gif" id="" name="Product Backlog">
                                   <planitems definition=""/>
                                    <planmode definition=""/>
                                       <planmode definition=""/>
                                       <plancheck definition=""/>
                                       <plancheck definition=""/>
                                   <scheduler definition=""/>
                                   <planmodes default=""/>

Excerpt of the Correct version of code:
<configuration-data xmlns="<>" final="false" id="">
                               <plantype icon="/icons/obj16/backlog_plan_obj.gif" id="" name="Product Backlog">
                                   <planitems definition=""/>
                                   <planmodes default="">
                                       <planmode definition=""/>
                                       <planmode definition=""/>
                                       <plancheck definition=""/>
                                       <plancheck definition=""/>
                                   <scheduler definition=""/>

Once the PlanModes tags are corrected, the Plan types tab is accessible.


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