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How can RTC Plans be used for Traditional Projects?

Andrew Trobec (49713144139) | asked Jul 01 '13, 6:00 a.m.

I am working with RTC and I was wondering how plans can be used for traditional projects.  When I create a plan, I have the option of creating a Product, Release, or Sprint Backlog, or a Cross Project Plan, which are aimed at Agile development.

Which of these plan types would be best adapted for a traditional project, and how would it be used?  For example, if I have an iteration in my timeline dedicated to the coding phase of a release, what plan type would I use, and which work items would I assign to it?  Product backlog?

Are there any case studies on this subject?



Accepted answer

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Dinesh Kumar B (4.1k413) | answered Jul 01 '13, 6:19 a.m.
here is an article covering traditional planning with RTC :

hope it helps.
Andrew Trobec selected this answer as the correct answer

Andrew Trobec commented Jul 01 '13, 6:27 a.m.

Great starting point, thanks!

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