How to add Columns in a table when using BIRT in RTC3.0

Accepted answer

WORKITEMS_SNAPSHOT: LIVE_WORKITEM_CNT has WI_TYPE which gives the name of the Type instead of the id given by WORKITEMS_SNAPSHOT: WORKITEM_STATES TYPE_ID
So, if you need is to get the TYPE_ID along with other fields from LIVE_WORKITEM_CNT, you could try creating a Joint Data Set over individual Data Sets representing LIVE_WORKITEM_CNT and WORKITEM_STATES joined over WI_ID
Then the Joint Data Set could be used for the report. Hope it helps.
So, if you need is to get the TYPE_ID along with other fields from LIVE_WORKITEM_CNT, you could try creating a Joint Data Set over individual Data Sets representing LIVE_WORKITEM_CNT and WORKITEM_STATES joined over WI_ID
Then the Joint Data Set could be used for the report. Hope it helps.

Hi Dinesh.
Thanks for your answer.
Would you pls help answer this question ? thanks a lot
One other answer

Hello Guo,
You cannot do it manually. If you need these tables, feel free to open new enhancement on Team This might be implemented in furter RTC version then.
You cannot do it manually. If you need these tables, feel free to open new enhancement on Team This might be implemented in furter RTC version then.

Hi Krzysztof
I accepted below answer as this case. Thanks all the same.
and May I pls help me answer this question ? Thanks a lot.