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Can I set default values in a child template?

Virginia Brown (9333941) | asked Jun 27 '13, 4:32 p.m.
We want to have dependent enumerated lists based on the Project Area.  The thought 
was to create an enumerated list, enumPA,  and then dependent lists off of that 
field as needed. However, users will find it annoying to have to take the time
and real estate to tell each work item the obvious information of which project
area they are in.

Is there a way to set the default for an enumerated list for each child project area?
If there is, at what level does it disconnect with the parent?
All Attribute Customizations? I've read the related discussion Setting Default Category
but am still a little foggy about the level at what level child processes disconnect from
the parent process template

Accepted answer

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sam detweiler (12.5k6195201) | answered Jun 27 '13, 6:03 p.m.
edited Jun 27 '13, 6:10 p.m.
you can do the project specific enumerated values in the same Enum variable by using the Delta Config option with RTC 4.0.1 and later.

Virginia Brown selected this answer as the correct answer

Virginia Brown commented Jun 27 '13, 8:00 p.m.

Thanks Sam - this looks like a great feature

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