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Questions regarding RRDI to Insight upgrade

Russell Norlund (17221724) | asked Jun 19 '13, 8:42 a.m.
Hi Folks, we are considering upgrading from RRDI to Insight. I have the following questions: 
  • When you Update the Rational solution for CLM data warehouse schema to support Rational Insight how does this impact the warehouse i.e. for a large data warehouse will this cause  a long outage due to migration or re-indexing of data?
  • Do existing RRDI report have to be migrated?
  • Will existing BIRT reports be affected?
  • Will there be any impact on queries or dashboards

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Jackie Albert (1.6k14947) | answered Jun 20 '13, 9:43 a.m.
edited Jun 20 '13, 9:43 a.m.
Hi Russell,
Have you looked at this article?  It has some information about migrating from RRDI to Insight, although I don't think at the level of detail you're looking for.

To the best of my knowledge...
  • The outage will take only as long as the upgrade takes - I don't believe there is any additional time for migration, as you already have the CLM data in your RRDI warehouse.  It would take extra time if you were going to add any non-CLM data via other ETL's, but that wouldn't be an "outage" in the usual sense.
  • You can use the CLM data model with Insight, so if you do that all RRDI reports will work just fine
  • I'm not sure about the BIRT... hopefully someone else can jump in here.
  • There shouldn't be any impacts on queries or dashboards

Also note this is an article about upgrading to Insight, but I don't see a corresponding article so hopefully most of it should apply equally.

Russell Norlund commented Jun 21 '13, 5:37 a.m.

Thanks for the information Jackie. I read the article and it seems to imply that the impact on the data warehouse is minimal. On the reporting front I was told that insight uses slightly different naming conventions for some of the attributes, hence the need to make some minor adjustments to the RDDI reports.  I am not sure how true this is.

Jackie Albert commented Jun 24 '13, 9:54 a.m.

You'd want to download and use the CLM data model in your Insight instance, which would give you the same attributes you're seeing today in RRDI, so I don't think that would be a problem.

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