how to add users and roles to Team Area using Plain Java API ?
2 answers
Here is code to find process area (team/project) areas etc:
If you have the process area, here is the API to add a contributor:
processArea.addMember(contributorHandle) has other posts that describe how to get to the contributor handle from the ID.
If you have the process area, here is the API to add a contributor:
processArea.addMember(contributorHandle) has other posts that describe how to get to the contributor handle from the ID.
Hey Ralph, as near as I have been able to find adding a contributor to a Role in a Project Area cannot be done with the plain java api for 3.0.1 correct? And is the same true for setting the license also?
As adding members and setting roles for members in a project/team area is shown in the samples that ship with the Plain Java Client Libraries and I show it here too: this is a false assessment.
You can also set licenses, however it is a bit less straight forward and I have not done a sample. I just looked into the SDK and found where it is tested.
Kaushambi Singh
Jun 10 '13, 7:05 a.m.Please help with the answer.