* jar in which release builds are?
I am getting some errors in my code using Java Plain API due to missing jars,
they are:*
I downloaded the Plain Java Client Libraries from here:
but those libraries are not there.
What Downloads product should I download to get those* libraries?
Please specify the download link.
Accepted answer
One other answer
Yes I can see it in that jar, thanks a lot.
A question, is there a JavaDoc for those?
I have the Java Plain API java Doc but I dont have for this library, so I can see what class and method I can use from it.
Thank you.
The source may be in the source download and you can build the Javadoc from that. Otherwise, you have to depend on the Eclipse IDE showing you the methods which are available but without explanation.
You are so cool, your responses are always the key of what I need.
Thank you very much.
I will mark this topic as accepted answer.