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Jazz Team Server - Lowercase Usernames failing to log in

Brian Vander Mey (5041520) | asked Jun 04 '13, 11:25 a.m.
 We're having trouble with our LDAP integration.  Our usernames are in a 3/4 format, 3 letters, 4 numbers, i.e. ABC1234.  I can confirm with 100% certainty that our AD system does not have lowercase sensitivity.  But when our users attempt to log in as abc1234 instead of ABC1234, the login fails.

I'm the admin of the tool for our organization.  What I find very strange is that I can login with lowercases, and I get taken to an entirely different profile, one called ADMIN (caps intentional), as opposed to my name.  So I technically have two logins, ABC1234 and abc1234, each take me different places.


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Stephanie Bagot (2.1k1513) | answered Jun 04 '13, 11:28 a.m.
When you are taken to ADMIN, this means that the user name is not recognized in the Jazz repository (meaning the application server does not match ABC1234 to an imported username). What's probably happening is that you have JTS configured for case sensitivity, and LDAP is not. You will need to make sure that both JTS and LDAP have the same case sensitivity. See the following technote for information on this configuration:
Brian Vander Mey selected this answer as the correct answer

Brian Vander Mey commented Jun 04 '13, 11:39 a.m. | edited Jun 05 '13, 3:35 p.m.

 Thank you, that solved it.  My IBM contact didn't know the solution, and you did in 3 minutes.  Awesome.

Stephanie Bagot commented Jun 04 '13, 11:50 a.m. | edited Jun 04 '13, 11:51 a.m.

Your welcome :)

2 other answers

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Brian Vander Mey (5041520) | answered Jun 04 '13, 11:56 a.m.
I actually just uncovered that I'm still having a shadow of the problem.  While other users are now able to get in with lowercases, I am still getting redirected to ADMIN on certain containers.  Currently, on the Change and Configuration Management Container.  Even though I'm a member of that project.

I switch to RRC container, I'm logged in as me, I switch back to CCM container, I'm logged in as ADMIN.

Brian Vander Mey commented Jun 04 '13, 11:57 a.m.

 If I log in with all caps, I don't have this problem.  I can go anywhere.

Stephanie Bagot commented Jun 04 '13, 12:10 p.m.

Check to make sure that your username is the same across all apps (ie. it should not be uppercase in CCM, lowercase in JTS etc). It may be an issue where the usersync needs to take place to ensure it is consistent across the apps.

Worst case, JTS now sees your lowercase and uppercase usernames as different users. Usually we would see duplicate user ID error here, but checking the containers as mentioned above will help to rule that out.

Brian Vander Mey commented Jun 04 '13, 1:37 p.m.

 Using the "About Me" widget, I can see that Admin's Username is ADMIN, and mine is ABC1234.  So there is no username abc1234, it redirects to ADMIN.  I don't believe I will see the lowercase version listed anywhere.

You asked me to check to make sure my username was consistent across all containers.  I'm not sure how to check this.  I can go into "Manage Users" and see all users and user names, but they are not segmented out by container.

Brian Vander Mey commented Jun 04 '13, 1:47 p.m.

And there's no user for abc1234, just ABC1234 

Bo Chulindra commented Jun 05 '13, 3:39 p.m.

Go to the Server Administration page of your CCM (ccm/admin) and search for your user in Users > Active Users. This will at least verify your user exists in CCM.

If your user exists, then go to Advanced Properties for your CCM app (on the Server Administration page) and check the value of "Use case insensitive user ID matching" property. If it is false, set it to true.

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Mike Jaworski (1.4k6) | answered Jun 04 '13, 1:27 p.m.
edited Jun 04 '13, 3:11 p.m.
 This sounds a lot like an issue we've seen in the past which was addressed in CLM 4.0.2 and 4.0.3 through does not respect case insensitive setting (244606). Even if JTS is set up to use case insensitive login, the ContributorService was not properly leveraging this property, and this defect addressed those scenarios. If you're still experiencing issues, you should be able to contact your local IBM Support representative to request a hotfix for this.

Mike Jaworski

Karl Weinert commented Jun 05 '13, 3:09 p.m.

I don't think that is the issue Brian is seeing. I can still reproduce Brian's issue in 4.0.2

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