Jazz Team Server - Lowercase Usernames failing to log in
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If I log in with all caps, I don't have this problem. I can go anywhere.
Check to make sure that your username is the same across all apps (ie. it should not be uppercase in CCM, lowercase in JTS etc). It may be an issue where the usersync needs to take place to ensure it is consistent across the apps.
Worst case, JTS now sees your lowercase and uppercase usernames as different users. Usually we would see duplicate user ID error here, but checking the containers as mentioned above will help to rule that out.
Using the "About Me" widget, I can see that Admin's Username is ADMIN, and mine is ABC1234. So there is no username abc1234, it redirects to ADMIN. I don't believe I will see the lowercase version listed anywhere.
And there's no user for abc1234, just ABC1234
Go to the Server Administration page of your CCM (ccm/admin) and search for your user in Users > Active Users. This will at least verify your user exists in CCM.
If your user exists, then go to Advanced Properties for your CCM app (on the Server Administration page) and check the value of "Use case insensitive user ID matching" property. If it is false, set it to true.