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sub iteration and respective plans are missing

kavita herur (5876894) | asked May 30 '13, 7:02 a.m.
edited May 30 '13, 7:03 a.m.

Hi All,

 In our project area we have structure of Iteration and sub iterations.

For each Iteration we create one product Backlog plan and for sub Iteration we create Spring Backlog plan. Suddenly all sub iteration and sub plans are missing in project area. But when I create query with lost "planned for" values, I got all work tickets. 

When I look into those work items it shows "lost Planned for" value. When I create new work item then also shows in pull down list. When I click on "more" option in "Planned for" attribute window doesnt show those lost values.

 Please let  me know those plans and Iterations deleted ?

 I checked in archived iteration those are not present.

Are these lost Iteration and plans are moved to some hidden backlog



2 answers

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Kot T. (1.5k11319) | answered May 30 '13, 12:36 p.m.
I got a problem ticket on the same issue recently and still working on it. What version of RTC are you running?

Let's try the following URL and see if it gives some more information about the missing iterations.

where,  <server:port> is the your CCM's server:port
 <ccm_context> is the CCM's context root (for example, /ccm)            
 <iteration_name> is the name of missing iterations. This is case-sensitive.

kavita herur commented Jun 04 '13, 6:44 a.m.

I tried with above mentioned link not able to form link. But with BIRT Report Design tool I am able to fetch data, found some mismatch in snapshot data.

common Snapshot-->Iteration(Table)  I found all missing sub Iterations are present.
 LiveSnapshot --> -->I can see all main iterations.
 But When I use WorkItem Snapshot for fetching work items it doesnt show latest data. 
 LiveworkItem snapshot --> --> shows Work Item No: 19314
  work item snapshot --> LIVE_WORKITEM_CNT -->shows Work Item No: 6193
  work item snapshot --> WORKITEMS  --> shows Work Item No: 19194

For all these I used project area as parameter and no other filter/parameter.

 Is our problem because of mismatch of data in snapshot? How the project area pulls data ?  Is there IBM has intrenal Iteration(backlog) that stores few work items depending of few action/ field value?



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Martha (Ruby) Andrews (3.0k44351) | answered Jun 09 '14, 5:57 p.m.
Hello Kavita,

What version of CLM are you using? This may help us pinpoint the source of the problem. 

Martha (Ruby) Andrews
Team Lead, Jazz Foundation L3 Development

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