Customized Work Item Field Defaults by User

For a given project, is it possible for each user to select the default values for each field when creating a new work item?
For instance, if a certain user always works on the same component, is it possible to have the "Filed Against" field always default to that value for this user, and a default to a different field for a different user working on a different component?
For instance, if a certain user always works on the same component, is it possible to have the "Filed Against" field always default to that value for this user, and a default to a different field for a different user working on a different component?
One answer

For a given project, is it possible for each user to select the
default values for each field when creating a new work item?
For instance, if a certain user always works on the same component, is
it possible to have the "Filed Against" field always default
to that value for this user, and a default to a different field for a
different user working on a different component?
Currently, this is not possible. The following work item tracks default
values for attributes:
Jazz Work Item Team