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RRC & Microsoft Word

Len Stockdale (1412123) | asked May 23 '13, 10:30 a.m.


I have created a requirment based on a Word document. I have not converted the Word document into RRC. When I open the requirement it asks me if I want to open the doc in an external application. 

This is good and it opens the Word document successfully.  But if the Word doc gets changed the requirement does not open the latest version but the one it had when the requirement was created.

Is there a way of getting RRC to recognised that the word document has been changed or to open the latest version.



Mythreyi Matada commented May 23 '13, 11:01 a.m.

Hi Len

 It would be better if could post the version of RRC and steps of import/upload.



Len Stockdale commented May 23 '13, 11:08 a.m.


Thanks for your response.

I am using RRc Using the browser in RRC.

1. Took the Upload Artifact option.

2.Uploaded the word document from my PC.

3. This created a requirement.

4. Changed my Word document (outside of RRC). 

5. When RRC opened my document it was the previous version of the document,



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Stef van Dijk (2.0k179) | answered May 23 '13, 4:10 p.m.
Hi Len,

Those steps won't work. Once you've uploaded the Word doc to RRC, it has it's own copy and changes to the version still in the file system won't be reflected in RRC.
After you've uploaded the document to RRC, you need to open it from RRC and press the Edit button. From there, you will be presented with the option to "Click here to open in an external application." Once you've completed making your changes, which includes having to save a local copy, you need to select the link in "When you are done editing, click here to upload a newer version of the artifact; this will replace the existing version."

Note that from your steps, you could have entered Edit mode and done the upload, but you probably want to be sure that you're editing the version as it is currently stored in RRC.

Hope that helps.

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