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Problem with Custom Values- RTC

R Z (1273453) | asked May 21 '13, 4:25 a.m.
retagged Aug 12 '13, 11:04 a.m. by Ralph Earle (25739)


We have recently upgraded to from

Post upgrade we are unable to list all values for work item attributes.

We have some 250 values, But it shows only 150.

However XML contains all 250 values.


Indradri Basu commented May 21 '13, 5:36 a.m.

This sounds like XML based value sets. are they ? Is the same behavior noticed in both eclipse and web ?

2 answers

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Brian Fleming (1.6k11928) | answered Jun 25 '13, 10:05 p.m.
Starting in 4.0, results returned from an HTTP Value Set Provider are limited to 150.  See workitem 201261   For value sets returning more than 150 values, you should look at using the "value set picker" presentation.  Make sure the "Apply filter string to values received from data source" is checked in the definition of your value set to enable filtering in the picker.

Regina Joyce commented Jun 26 '13, 1:27 p.m.

Hi Brian, thank you for your answer. You mentioned using the "value set picker" presentation, but I am not sure how to define/load the value set that has more than 150 values that will then be displayed using a value set picker.  Can you provide any additional details?  Thank you!

Brian Fleming commented Jun 26 '13, 1:44 p.m.


"Value Set Combo displays all of the values in a drop-down list. Value Set Picker displays a pop-up window in which you enter text in a Filter field to see matching values. For value set providers that return a large number of values, consider using the Value Set Picker. Because the Value Set Combo does not filter values, performance might suffer when used with a large number of values. "

The 150 limit is a display limit.  Even using the value set picker, it will only display max 150 items at a time.  However, the results available for selection will change depending on the text you are filtering on.  This is also a much more usable interface for users, rather than forcing them to scroll through hundreds of entries in a dropdown.

Denis Maliarevich commented Aug 07 '13, 9:22 a.m.

Brian, is there a chance to display all the values?
Because Value Set Picker is uncomfortable thing: it still shows only 150, and its filter works terrible: it starts searching from the beginnig of the text, it's imossible to find "a word" in the middle of the string.

May be there should be a checkbox for "limit" option in HTTP Filtered value set provider? Whether or not it should be enabled.
Because for our needs it's better to have Combo Box with all the values from xml file in it.
Should I post a new request to IBM ?

Brian Fleming commented Aug 07 '13, 11:13 a.m.

There is no way to configure displaying more than 150 values at a time.  I would suggest raising an RFE if the current capability does not meet your needs.

Denis Maliarevich commented Aug 08 '13, 10:27 a.m.

Thank you for a quick response,
so only RFE..

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R Z (1273453) | answered May 21 '13, 12:33 p.m.
Yes, They are all coming from XML file.
It is same on both Eclipse and WEB UI.

Do you have any fix?

Appreciate your quick response.


Regina Joyce commented Jun 25 '13, 8:02 p.m.

Have you ever found an answer?  I am facing the same issue.  Thanks!

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