Could not generate feed For URI:/ error in log for RAM 8512
in RAM 7512 log, there is the following error when try to download search results to spreadsheet.
[05/10/13 13:01:37 EDT] CRRAM0001E 9619699 ERROR ws - Could not generate feed For URI:/,sarm_compliance_and_regulatory_program_management
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.sun.syndication.feed.synd.SyndFeedImpl
does it look like a classloading issue?
Thanks in advance for any insights
One answer
... seems like a bug in the installation media. You are missing the rome-0.8.jar and its dependent jdom-1.0.jar. As a workaround, you can download them and place them in the WEB-INF/lib of both the web and ws wars.
Actually don't put them there. They collide with WAS.
Put them in the
(You will need to create the /rome/ directory).