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We have RAM Server 7.5.3 and need to know what version of Ant we can use

Everette Lawson (14411) | asked Jul 10 '17, 11:31 a.m.

 We have upgraded our RAM Server to 7.5.3 from and need to be able to publish to RAM using Ant.  What version of Ant do we need?  Where is it downloaded from?

Accepted answer

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Rahul Choudhary (662) | answered Jul 10 '17, 2:10 p.m.
edited Jul 10 '17, 2:14 p.m.

 Hi Everette,

The below link gives details and samples about configuring ant scripts with RAM . It mentions support for ant 1.8 and says minimum ant version required is 1.7.

Hope it helps. 

Everette Lawson selected this answer as the correct answer

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