Get process configuration source via API
Hello Everyone,
I was trying below to get the process configuration source -
On the client:
1. Get the client library IProcessClientService.
2. From this, get the client process for the project area in question.
3. Get the config data from the client process.
1. Get the client library IProcessClientService.
2. From this, get the client process for the project area in question.
3. Get the config data from the client process.
Looks like the getProjectConfigurationData method requires a string ID. I tried "". No luck. Any idea what it should be?
4 answers
Hi Sunil,
This post might get you started:
This post might get you started:
the key string is
found by exported item;
found by exported item;
get the icontent object, and then call save
IProjectArea parentProject = (IProjectArea) (repo
IItemManager.DEFAULT, sPm));
System.out.println("have parent project name = "
+ parentProject.getName());
// get the process data
Map<String, Object> pd = ip.getProcessData();
//// here is the xml extract
// get the process config content object
IContent processSource = (IContent) pd.get(keyname);
if (processSource != null)
System.out.println("have xml source");
saveXMLSource(ip, processSource, icm, sPm);
then save the source
// save the process source for the project
private static void saveXMLSource(IProjectArea ip, IContent ic,
IContentManager icm, SysoutProgressMonitor sPm)
// make an output stream for the content manager
OutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
// get the content of the content object.
icm.retrieveContent(ic, os, sPm);
// write xml content to file
// project name + data name
FileOutputStream fo = new FileOutputStream(ip.getName() + "."
+ keyname);
// write
fo.write(os.toString().getBytes(), 0, os.toString().length());
// close
catch (Exception e)
IProjectArea parentProject = (IProjectArea) (repo
IItemManager.DEFAULT, sPm));
System.out.println("have parent project name = "
+ parentProject.getName());
// get the process data
Map<String, Object> pd = ip.getProcessData();
//// here is the xml extract
// get the process config content object
IContent processSource = (IContent) pd.get(keyname);
if (processSource != null)
System.out.println("have xml source");
saveXMLSource(ip, processSource, icm, sPm);
then save the source
// save the process source for the project
private static void saveXMLSource(IProjectArea ip, IContent ic,
IContentManager icm, SysoutProgressMonitor sPm)
// make an output stream for the content manager
OutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
// get the content of the content object.
icm.retrieveContent(ic, os, sPm);
// write xml content to file
// project name + data name
FileOutputStream fo = new FileOutputStream(ip.getName() + "."
+ keyname);
// write
fo.write(os.toString().getBytes(), 0, os.toString().length());
// close
catch (Exception e)
the Monitor part of the apis is a class object, I made my own to be able to control the output
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.*;
public class SysoutProgressMonitor implements IProgressMonitor {
then added all the required methods.
the Content Manager is accessible thru the repository object after logon
// login &
// get the repository object where we are connecting
if ((repo=login(url, userid, password, sPm)) != null )
// get the content Manager
IContentManager icm = repo.contentManager();
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.*;
public class SysoutProgressMonitor implements IProgressMonitor {
then added all the required methods.
the Content Manager is accessible thru the repository object after logon
// login &
// get the repository object where we are connecting
if ((repo=login(url, userid, password, sPm)) != null )
// get the content Manager
IContentManager icm = repo.contentManager();