Why does an LDAP account get recognized as ADMIN for RTC 4.0.2?

Accepted answer


I agree that this is another case. I should mention that it is again a case of LDAP authenticating the user but the JTS server not knowing about the user (since it tries to look for the user in its repository but because of the case mismatch, it cannot find it).
In this case, Tomcat is not doing any authentication. For example, this can still happen if you are using WAS.
The right answer here is to configure the JTS for case-insensitive login if LDAP authentication is case-insensitive.

Hello Bo and Josh,
1 vote
One other answer

During completion of the setup wizard, it is likely that the LDAP user you completed the setup wizard with was imported during the User Registry step. That user should be not be displayed as ADMIN when logged in.
Your other users can be imported by either:
- LDAP nightly sync. Every night, the JTS will synch with your LDAP server. This will import all your LDAP users.
Manual import. This can be done using the JTS Server Administration web UI. Particularly, as part of the Users menu.
Turn on self-registration. It is possible to turn on self-registration so that if a user logs in to the JTS, then the JTS will import the user if needed. This can be done using the JTS Server Administration web UI and visiting the Advanced Properties page.

Hello Bo,

I've never heard of the "Unassigned" user before. I did some research and I believe it is a special user created for CCM work items. However, I also do not believe it is supposed to show up in the Active Users list (if that's where you are seeing it).
I found this work item, Unassigned user is translated to Japanese and shows up in Active CCM Users (209985), which is a case when the user "unassigned" was erroneously displayed in the Active Users page because the user ID was translated and the filter did not remove it.
...continued below...

This work item, Cannot open "Unassigned" user by User Editor (138763), shows that the error you are seeing is typical for this user. I would guess it's because the user was never meant to be inspected since it is a special user that is normally hidden from sight.
I believe the user is necessary for CCM and should not be removed. However, I believe it is wrong that you are seeing the user in some list of users and are able to attempt to open its user properties.

Hello Bo,

Please do. Open it against Jazz Foundation and file it against Repository.