Query result to display as a single progress bar or progress report on a dashboard

One answer


Aradhya, thanks for your quick response.
I have seen the Plan Statistics Viewlet. Seeing the number of work items for each tag value is not useful. I can do this same thing with work item queries.
The Plan View Viewlet does not provide a progress bar. What it can do is display the plan (similar to as if I were viewing the plan on the web UI) and if I happen to include the progress field as a column, I can see that. The big fat gray bars that represent the grouping, in this case the individual tags, does not show the collective progress bar (which is is what I want). I can see the collective progress bar viewing the plan in the eclipse client, but not on the web UI.
What I want to be able to do is see a collective progress bar for a set of user stories that are the result of a query. And this has to be able to be seen on the dashboard without having to drill down into query results or a plan view. And, there should be some active link on this viewlet that runs the query so I can see the individual items, in case someone needed to drill down to get to the finer level of detail.