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Shell share RSA (software architect) and RTC in a zip file installation?

Bryan Miller - Integration Developer (4493531) | asked Apr 09 '13, 2:04 p.m.
edited Apr 09 '13, 2:08 p.m.
As a developer I always have 3-4 versions of RTC installed which I run from a directory created by unzipping the package rather than install via IIM.

Is there a way to shell share RSA with RTC instances being run from a unzipped archive?

Thanks in advance!


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Aradhya K (1.4k54345) | answered Apr 10 '13, 12:38 a.m.
Better solution would be to install the extension install on the RSA for shell sharing.
The Extension installer will be smaller in size as it will not have Eclipse bundled and IM is required to install it.
The only problem will be to have RSA with different versions of RTC. This will be very tricky.
If you have 3.0.1.x client then you can connect to 3.0.1.x and 4.0.x.x servers.

Bryan Miller - Integration Developer commented Apr 10 '13, 9:48 a.m.

Hi Aradhya,  I have used the extension install on RSA.   I am uncertain that it is a better solution though.  It requires IM and cannot be used with multiple versions of RTC.  Does tricky mean impossible or possible but nobody has figured it out yet ;-)   I am willing to try different methods - the only requirement is really having 3.x and 4.x clients.   Since I develop for Jazz I cannot (easily) use a 3.x client for development of CLM 4.x without playing the library shuffle game...

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