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How to make work item text area should be full text editor

Ashwath G (6623951) | asked Mar 29 '13, 2:00 a.m.


In work items when Text area contains large text, during editing phase (Not submission) it goes for a scrolling. Istead of having scrolling rather should be expanded to full text editing just like submission phase.

Is there any work around to change the frame work for this to get the expanede full text for editing.

Please suggest me a solution.

Thank You inadvance


Ashwath Sample image

One answer

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Takehiko Amano (1.3k3741) | answered Apr 01 '13, 5:28 a.m.
Not sure about the real problem. If you would like to make it more larger, then this article will help.

If you would like more simplified user interface for workitem, there is some solution for it.  My colleague wrote some sample as add-in to FireFox.

There is a sample of plug-in to try.

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