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To integrate RTC 5.0 with GIT, one of the requirement is that GIT repo should be hosted on Apache smart HTTP server. my projects GIT repo is hosted on Gerrit Jetty web server. Do you think that makes a difference when integrate RTC with GIT.?

Amrinder Singh (6111) | asked Aug 11 '14, 2:36 p.m.

I am trying to integrate RTC work item with GIT commit and we use RTC 5.0 which supports GIT integration, that means no plugin is needed. After following IBM documentation I am done with all configuration but one pre-requisite for this activity is that GIT repo should be hosted on Apache Smart HTTP server. In my organization GIT is hostedd on Gerrit Jetty web server. I am not sure if thats the reason why integration is not working.

Please help and advise.

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