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Is there a way to export reports in report studio so they can be uploaded to another server?

David Mehaffy (90123338) | asked Mar 28 '13, 2:21 p.m.
 It seems the only way I have discovered to move reports from one server to another is to use the Cognos administration panel and export a folder to a zip file on the server and move the zip file to the other server and run the import process on it.  In our organization we have multiple large deployments that are co-located near the machines under test.  We have separate Insight servers for each Installation and would like to have report developers share reports between the various organizations.  This is a problem as the developers don't necessarily have server access to manipulate files directly on each of the servers.

3 answers

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Jackie Albert (1.6k14947) | answered Mar 28 '13, 2:27 p.m.
From Report Studio, there is a menu option under Tools -> Copy Report To Clipboard.     There's also another Tools -> Open Report From Clipboard, so you should be able to use this to copy reports between the two servers as long as they share a common data model.

David Mehaffy commented Mar 28 '13, 3:28 p.m.

 Thanks Jackie

That sort of works but is pretty kludgy.  You can't have report studio open to both servers (I think that is something with cookies ?).  You have to save the clipboard somewhere and then copy it back to the report studio for the other server once you have restarted the browser - it works but you have to be careful.  Would be nicer if there was a save to xml and open from xml that did this.

Steve Mulligan commented Mar 16 '17, 1:57 p.m.

Yes, by default the cookie value will be the same for two Reporting servers.  You can set them to different values in IBM Cognos Configuration. In the menu go to Actions -> Global Configuration.  On the General tab, in the Cookie Setting section, set Domain to the fully qualified name of your report server machine (e.g. and the Path to /

Do this to both Report servers and then restart both servers.  You will then have different cookies for each and can open both in a browser at the same time.

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Junli Wang (5512) | answered Mar 29 '13, 2:53 a.m.
Import/Export report package is supposed to be an administrative work, so it assumes that administrator have enough permission to do that.
Is it possible to only share the deployment folder, so that administrator can copy over zip files there and do the import from admin UI, or export from admin UI and copy from there to another server.

David Mehaffy commented Mar 29 '13, 10:20 a.m.

Hi Junil - that is what I was afraid of.  This needs to be enhanced.  It is too cumbersome if I need to add a single report to a server.  I have to move the report to a folder for export (I may not want to move everything where the report resides) then run the export function from the web (multiple clicks to do this).  Next I have to log into the operating system and navigate to the deployment directory and ftp or by other means copy the zip file to the other server where I want to import this report.  Then log in to the web again on the new server and import the zip file (again many clicks to do this).  Then I have to move it from that folder to where I want to put it.   This is way too many steps and is a common use cage.  It is even more difficult when the report author is not the same person doing administration of the machines which may even be in different organizations and administrative domains.  This really needs to be fixed.

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Junli Wang (5512) | answered Mar 29 '13, 10:35 a.m.
David, I understand your pain point.
However, this function is provided by cognos, Insight is not able to enhance it.
How often do you have to do the export/copy/import? If this is a routine work, I will suggest to write some code invoking Cognos SDK to automate and streamline the process. Everything you do in the web UI can be achieved via Cognos SDK.

SEC Servizi commented Feb 09 '17, 11:24 a.m.
Everything you do in the web UI can be achieved via Cognos SDK. 
Refer to for sample SDK code and instructions to perform Deployment Import and Exports using the Cognos SDK.

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