No Workitems Perspective with RSA 8.5.1

3 answers

The Eclipse versions supported seem to match. I know that I had once the case where the perspectives where not showing. I had to use Open Perspectives>Other to get them.
If you look into Window>Preferences, do you see Work Items in the preference?
You can try to start Eclipse with -clean as option to force rereading the deployed plugins.
If you look into Window>Preferences, do you see Work Items in the preference?
You can try to start Eclipse with -clean as option to force rereading the deployed plugins.

Thanks Ralph. The perspectives do not show up anywhere under Open Perspectives. We also tried the -clean option but that didn't help. The splash screen when the RSA client starts and is loading also shows the RTC client as being part of the package as does the Installation Manager-> View Installed Packages.

OK. We've figured this problem out. The client is in fact installed properly. But to actually start that perspective you have to choose Window->Open Perspective->Other and check the box at the bottom to Show All. Then the Work Items perspective choice appears. Select it, click OK and you get prompted asking if you want to activate the SCM feature or not. I chose yes, clicked continue and I now have the Work Items perspective. So the issue wasn't that it didn't get installed properly, but rather it was hard to find. Ralph was close :-)