How to Get Parent Work Item attribute value in DOJO script to RTC project area
Hi All,
I have voting WT (Blocking WT) once approved I want to create few more WTs to Parent. I want to get one of parent work item value in (Block WT) voting WT in DOJO java script just for validating some data.
Please can any one tell me what is API or how to get parent workeitem attribute value.
One answer
Assuming you talk about work items and JavaScript based work item customization, as far as I know there is no way to access work item links to other work items, including the parent, in JavaScript.
I would suggest to look at especially Lab 5. There is a summary in the first sections about what you can, and what you can not do with JavaScript. Keep in mind that JavaScript is limited and for complex requirements it is better to implement them in an extension such as a participant. From a performance perspective, a participant is also preferable.
Thanks Ralph,
You are right, WT is work ticket. I saw few code in below link fetching configuration.getChild() Similarly is there API to get parent workitem attribute value
Kavita, configuration.getChild() refers to reading the process.xml for configuration data and not a work item. You can make attribute customization more configurable that way. See or the workshop Lab 5 already mentioned.