How to execute same set of test cases or test suite with different roles
3 answers
Bob, thanks for directing me towards test data. I tried and it works perfectly fine as you have mentioned. If I had three roles, it executes the steps for 3 iterations and the result is a single test case execution result with all the steps for 3 iterations. If the test case failed, I need to open the testcase result to see for what role did it actually fail. That is the challenge I am facing. Also, in the test case result, it is not possible to display the roles as a column. This is what I am trying to achieve. There are say 3 roles - role1, role2 and role3. A test suite or a set of test cases are to be executed by all the roles. I need to see 3 execution records or a way to identify that this execution with role2 failed by seeing the results. Please let me know if this can be achieved.
Thanks for all your help
Bob Gallagher
Mar 09 '13, 6:00 p.m.Could you clarify what you mean by "different roles" ?
Suresh Raman
Mar 11 '13, 9:39 a.m.Bob, they are our business process roles. In our business users can login to the system as different roles. The steps are the same except for the roles. I was reaching out to see if there is any solution that anyone is already using.