Need help in importing multiple test results or test execution records for 1 test case and 1 test script using rqm excel importer
In my excel file, I'm able to import
1 Test Suite having multiple
test scripts,
test cases,
test case execution records,
test case results
in a sheet.
But I'm unable to import multiple test result mapped to one 1 test case.
like 1 test case-> 1 test script-> 1 test execution record-> 2 test result.
1 test case-> 1 test script-> 1 test execution record-> 2 test result.
1 test case-> 1 test script-> 1 test execution record-> 2 test result.
Need help in creating multiple test result or test execution record for the above case.
Preferably CFG code. Thanks in advance.
One answer
depending on your document structure,
if the row structure for 1 test case-> 1 test script-> 1 test execution record-> 2 test result. is
1 test case-> 1 test script-> 1 test execution record->
-> test result start row
new row :test result 1
new row :test result 2
suggest to use the executionresult.XLSStartRow
executionresult.executionworkitem=Link("executionworkitem id")
executionresult.testcase=Link("testcase id")
executionresult.testscript=Link("test script id")
if the row structure for 1 test case-> 1 test script-> 1 test execution record-> 2 test result. is
1 test case-> 1 test script-> 1 test execution record->
-> test result start row
new row :test result 1
new row :test result 2
suggest to use the executionresult.XLSStartRow
executionresult.executionworkitem=Link("executionworkitem id")
executionresult.testcase=Link("testcase id")
executionresult.testscript=Link("test script id")