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Importing Keywords to RQM from Excel

Juan Pablo Bruno (26710) | asked Jul 10 '15, 3:23 p.m.
 There was one post that stated that there was no way for importing Keywords from an Excel spreadsheet. Now, I've found this Enhancement.

I'm not finding the documentation on how to do this. Could you please point me to it? in case is still not possible, what does this enhancement provides in terms of functionality?


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Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered Jul 12 '15, 8:02 p.m.
Hi, Juan

Exporting Keyword from ExcelImporter is supported.
The syntax is in the section Key Word of this wiki page:

If you have installed ExcelImporter, check with the sample: keyword sample.xls
and keyword sample.cfg should have the info for you to start with.


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