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Using RAF to link application shared lib vs. AdminConfig.create

Gerald Gordon (7011419) | asked Mar 05 '13, 12:55 p.m.
edited Mar 05 '13, 12:57 p.m.
We are actively using IBM RAF for deployments and automated environment build outs.  One deployment tasks we are faced with is the ability to use automation to link a shared lib to an deployed web app.  We would like to execute this request using IBM RAF with an environment that has a DM, WAS and Portal Cluster.

I found some documentation on how to use the wsadmin object: AdminConfig.create ( 

but before I go down that path, is there a way to accomplish this task with IBM RAF?  We don't want to copy this information from one environmental to the next using the was_copy_shared_lib*** but instead, we would like to pass in the shared library name and the app name and let the automation link the references, and save the configuration.



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