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User Log information

Sudesh Krishnamoorthy (535) | asked Feb 28 '13, 10:32 p.m.
for audit purposes my customer wants to know who are people who logged into the RTC system . This need not be real time but auditors would need to see a log that kind of shows which user logged in with a date time stamp.

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permanent link
Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Mar 01 '13, 5:25 a.m.
Please see: , I found them searching this forum. since the questions and answers are exposed to the internet, using search engines also works quite well.

From the links, my conclusion is, there is some limited capability in the floating license mechanism. Not quite what you are looking for though. As an alternative you can try to set up the app server to put login events into the event logs. You would have to store and analyze these logs somehow.

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