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Building with SCM causes a filesystem out of sync error

Spencer Murata (2.3k115971) | asked Feb 22 '13, 9:46 a.m.
 When I run my build I keep getting "Problem running 'accept': Local filesystem is out of sync. Run 'lscm load' with --force option to reload the workspace." errors.  How can I get rid of those errors and not have to reload everytime?

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Spencer Murata (2.3k115971) | answered Feb 22 '13, 9:54 a.m.
 The out of sync problem occurs when a workspace has been loaded into different locations.  If the repository side version of the workspace has been altered by one copy of the physical sandbox version of the workspace by a deliver, then all other instances of the physical sandboxes will be out of sync.  The different instances of the sandbox could be caused by copying the sandbox files to another location, or loading different components to different locations, so long as the .jazz5 metadata for the loaded folder points back to the same repository workspace.  To avoid the issue, if you find you need different instances of the same source, make new dedicated repository workspace for each instance.  This avoids potential collisions over out of sync data.

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