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How to delete/remove links created via ANT task logLinkPublisher

Sanjeev Kulkarni (331823) | asked Mar 20 '14, 12:16 p.m.
edited Mar 20 '14, 12:32 p.m.
Many files were created and linked to RTC build result using ANT task
<logLinkPublisher repositoryAddress="${repositoryAddress}"
		                       label="Build Tool Output Log"/>

We now want to delete/remove the links inside log tab under build result. Is it possible if so how to do this using ANT?

In eclipse client we see remove option to do this manually but the requirement is to do it programmatically using ANT.

Accepted answer

permanent link
Nick Edgar (6.5k711) | answered Mar 21 '14, 3:37 p.m.
Hi Sanjeev, there is no Ant task for deleting contributions that have been made to a build.  The Java client API would allow this. It probably wouldn't be too difficult to script in JRuby or Groovy. For more on the API options, see this entry in the Build FAQ.
Sanjeev Kulkarni selected this answer as the correct answer

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