Getting URL invalid error when trying to GET a Query in JAVA
When i try to access the belwo query from Poster to retrive the folder of the artifact i get the expected result but when i try to do the same programmatically , i am getting invalid URL error :-
Query :-
String queryParam3 = "&oslc.prefix="
+ URLEncoder.encode("dcterms=<>",
+ ","
+ URLEncoder.encode("oslc=<>",
+ ","
+ URLEncoder.encode("nav=<>",
+ ","
+ URLEncoder.encode("rrmNav=<>",
+ "&" + URLEncoder.encode("dcterms:title", "UTF8") +
"&oslc.where=" + URLEncoder.encode("dcterms:title=", "UTF8")
+ "%22" + URLEncoder.encode(deliverableType, "UTF8") + "%22"
+ "&oslc.where=" + URLEncoder.encode("nav:parent=<", "UTF8")
+ URLEncoder.encode(templateFolderServiceURI, "UTF8") + ">";
Getting error while executing the above query.Maybe the issue is with the two oslc:where condition used.