Slow performance when I try Associate Requirements in RQM with RequisitePro
2 answers
Hi Rafael,
I'm copying Zhuo Chang's response from above as one answer "you can use firebug (a plugin of firefox) to watch the request and response speed".
You can also use Developer Tools (F12) in Internet Explorer to observe the console and view request and response speeds. It is hard to troubleshoot what is causing the slow performance without more information.
I'm copying Zhuo Chang's response from above as one answer "you can use firebug (a plugin of firefox) to watch the request and response speed".
You can also use Developer Tools (F12) in Internet Explorer to observe the console and view request and response speeds. It is hard to troubleshoot what is causing the slow performance without more information.
The issue is when I link only single TestCase with Requirements in Requisite Pro, but when I have a TestPlan already linked with the set of Requirements in Requisite Pro, and the test case linked with the test plan, it works fine, I mean, when I try to link a single TestCase directly to ReqPro (without any link between test plan -testcase), it take several time for load all requirements.
Thank you!.
Thank you!.
Chenyue Gao
JAZZ DEVELOPER Feb 26 '13, 5:03 p.m.How slow is it?
Zhuo Chang
JAZZ DEVELOPER Mar 26 '13, 9:08 a.m.Could you provide more infomaton? you can use firebug(a plugin of firefox) to watch the reqeust and response speed.
Hope this will help you!