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Unable to create work items

Sivakumaran Ramakrishnan (11111) | asked Feb 19 '13, 9:14 a.m.
Hi All,

Following are the configuration of CLM
JTS, CCM, RRC and RM are all on version 4.0
DB - DB2
Web server - WAS 8.0
users are configured to login using LDAP.

I have the following error in my jts.log file.

2013-02-18 20:27:25,801 [ WebContainer : 37] ERROR net.jazz.ajax.service.internal.http.ThemingHandler - ERROR : GET https://hostname:9444/jts/_theming/allThemeJS?dojo.preventCache=1361199445738 HTTP/1.1 org.apache.http.HttpException: Problem initializing theme namespace: Found more than one contributor with userId 'admin'

My primary concern is that I am unable to create a work item. When I click on "create a work item", there is a small update on the page which says "loading...". I am using Firefox browser which is supported. This happens for all the users.

Really appreciate any suggestions to resolve this issue.

3 answers

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VK L (8177157159) | answered Feb 19 '13, 10:20 a.m.
      Please check if there are 2 users named "admin". Also, is this error logged at the same time as the attempt to create a work item?
Is the behaviour same on eclipse client as well?

Sivakumaran Ramakrishnan commented Feb 20 '13, 10:44 a.m.

 Hi Valli L

Thank you for your prompt reply. I have made the following changes.

1. Changed the "User Registry Type" to unsupported
2. Ability to Modify User IDs - true
3. Changed the user ID admin to oldAdmin
4. Updated "Check License Expiration Task User ID" - LDAP user
5. Changed the "User Registry Type" to LDAP

Sivakumaran Ramakrishnan commented Feb 20 '13, 10:56 a.m.
2013-02-20 20:55:49,353 [             WebContainer : 22] ERROR net.jazz.ajax.service.internal.http.ThemingHandler  - ERROR : GET https://hostname:9444/jts/_theming/allThemeCSS HTTP/1.1
org.apache.http.HttpException: Problem initializing theme namespace: The user "ADMIN" does not exist in the database

I checked all the active users and there is no one with user ID "admin"

I have not tried to use the eclipse client.

The error in jts.log file exactly coincides with the time I try to create a work item 

Bo Chulindra commented Feb 25 '13, 3:10 p.m.

I'm not sure but I would guess that the two users with user ID 'admin' are your LDAP user 'admin' and the JTS user 'ADMIN'. This could happen if you have case-insensitive login set to true which would cause 'admin' and 'ADMIN' to appear as having the same user ID.

It looks like the ThemingHandler is still trying to use the user ID 'admin' which now doesn't exist in the JTS database after you changed the user ID of 'admin' to 'oldAdmin'. I'm confused though as to why your user ID rename appears to have affected both 'admin' and 'ADMIN'.

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VK L (8177157159) | answered Feb 22 '13, 5:33 a.m.
      Looks like there is an issue in the setup itself. Are you able to login and access anything else other than the workitems?

You can try re-running the setup and look for related issues. It is looking for the ADMIN id.

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Bo Chulindra (1.3k2718) | answered Feb 25 '13, 2:53 p.m.
edited Feb 25 '13, 2:54 p.m.
Is your LDAP configured to allow case-insensitive login? If so, here's some text from

If you use LDAP for user management and you enable the option to not use case-sensitive user management, make sure that Jazz Team Server is also configured to allow user management that is not case sensitive. To configure the Jazz Team Server login property, on the Advanced Properties page of the Administrative web interface, modify the Use case insensitive user ID matching property.

You can also see TeamRepositoryException: Found more than one contributor with userId 'admin' (113960) for more information that may help you figure out what's wrong.

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