Workitem Creation with Parent ID using CSV Import is not working.
One answer
I wrote a script that did this successfully. The CSV looked like this:
This worked initially. However, a short time later the same script began failing. The import would quickly create the work items and then it would sort of pause for a long time on the "resolving links" phase of the import process. Eventually, it would present an error message. This caused confusion for some of the users because they thought the entire import had failed and they would attempt it again. This resulted in duplicate work items being created (and none of them being correctly linked).
The only time I've gotten this to work is when I put Parent in quotes and the #ID in quotes as well. However, I don't think that should be required. I suspect there may be an RTC bug that is causing this import process to fail. I am on this morning to investigate whether just such a bug has been created.
Note that we are using RTC 4.0.1 (eClipse client)
Are you importing into one of the pre-defined process templates, or using one you've customized? If you are using a customized process, a useful debug step is to try importing the CSV file into a project area with one of the pre-defined process templates. And then either way, I'd suggest creating creating a defect work item in (or working with support to create one for you). It sounds like you are doing the right thing, but are encountering some kind of bug. If you are using a pre-defined process template, just attach the CSV file to the work item, and indicate which process template you used. If you only get the error in a customized process, you'll need to also attach the process template to the work item.
Muthukumar C
Feb 19 '13, 1:31 a.m.Moreover, I am unaware about How to upload the Values for WORKITEM type fields.