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How to use Web UI to invite members per 1.0.1 "What's n

Tim Bartley (2379) | asked Nov 13 '08, 1:58 a.m.
In the 1.0.1 "What's new" page it says:

The Rational Team Concert web UI now allows you to send team invitations to members of a project or team area. You will be prompted to send invitations to newly added members when you save the team or project area. In addition, you can use the Invite to Join Team button next to the user's name in the Members section to send an invitation any time.

But I can't see a "Invite to Join Team" button next to any names from the Web UI - nor from the eclipse client (also at 1.0.1) for that matter.

I guess I'm looking in the wrong place - where should I be looking?



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Martha (Ruby) Andrews (3.0k44351) | answered Nov 14 '08, 1:58 p.m.

In the Web UI, go to the admin UI, click on the Project Area Management tab, then select a link to open the project you are interested in. On the project page, use your mouse to hover over the name of the member you want to invite. Three icons will appear on the right side of the table. The icon with two people is the one that sends invitations. Click the icon and you will see a dialog with the invitation.

Jazz Developer

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