Why can't I download all repository files?

In EWM source control, I have a component with several GB of files in it.
When I press the "Download" button in the repository root directory, nothing happens. I do not get the file explorer dialog indicating where I would like to save the zip file.
I am assuming this is related to the overall size of the repository, because it works if I try to download a smaller repository in a different component.
One answer

There was one 2GB file that couldn't even be downloaded individually, so I guess there is some kind of file size limit where exceeding it causes anything containing that file to reject downloading it.
Anyways, after I removed that file I was able to download the entire repository.

I would expect an error or some kind of message, if there would be a size limit for download. I could see that there might be a long delay preparing downloading a big file. So I am not so sure if this is a defect or potential enhancement. There could be issues with the client laptop not being able to cope with the size.
Note, this is not a normal SCM operation and only used to export the stream data.