Editor Presentation for dropdown list populated from server side query, help!
(and also multi-select).. where the data is populated from a server side list (like the found in deliverable list)
I suppose I can go read the existing UI source.. but still need an external packaging structure..
the example in https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/ContributingAttributePresentations is an output only thing generated in the code itself. Not data derived.
thanks for any guidance
9 answers
the 'found in' list of deliverable(s) from the project process configuration is too restrictive, and way too manual in its administration.
we also need Fixed in and Delivered Release, all of which overlap, but are not symmetrical.
I have a new workitem type (delivery) to encapsulate the deliverable concept, and it has lots more data
but how to use it.. I have new link types as well, but they are too opaque, and hard to manage, (and the current UI shares workitem types with every project on the server.. ugh, see restricted links)
so, I want a multi-select dropdown, which holds the object/handle/uuid/oid/?? of the workitem(s) which match a workitem query of the subset of the delivery workitems in this project. (text string of the thing isn't enough)
it would ROCK to make the list of urls as OSLC links with a hover each.
the value provider could provide something, but I don't know what the use would be. I could get the workitem ids, or the summary text, but not present both, and finding your way back from there is hard. I would need a multi select list of url types to combine some data, but still hard to report thru.
notice that Iteration planned is the coding phase, not the delivery phase. some of our products do quarterly fixpack releases.. so they are accumulations of ready fixes ..We know in the future when we PLAN to release.. and in the PAST when we DID release. there is a whole workflow around release, with approvals, etc.. and for fixes on the individual level was have some teams that cannot close a defect out until the customer signs their approval as well. and there is a need to automation of all these movements. I just can't get all that from the release table in the project.
and yes, you can get really agile about it and say you can't release if you don't have an iteration, and .... etc..
but that is WAY too hard for everyone to execute.
where do I find the definition of the classes in the WorkItemEditorToolkit..
Sam, I typically use Plugin-Spy SHIFT-ALT-F1 to spy into the Eclipse UI to find things I know is being used in the Eclipse client.
thanks.. unfortunately, that doesn't display all the elements on the page. Found In is not identified.
I have the deliverable class
and I see the list built for the Releases page.. but not for the workitem.. (least its unclear to me)
and its still unclear to me the relationship between all the parts..
plugin for an attribute type, (what gets installed on client & server), such that there is a view in the process config editor, create attribute of type,
add to workitem, create workitem, which invokes the UI component of the attribute type for that instance.. (I think).
and the class hierarchy chain of the AttributePart makes the operation almost unintelligible. (to me)
and later if this attribute has special handling for queries (query thru), I made need a query handler too (which appears to need two plugins, eclipse and web)
I don't see how to create/install the 'attribute registry' plugin.
and secondarily, kind is a string, got it.. what attribute of what element does it need to match?
i've got these two sections of the plugin.xml
I think this stmt means I should remove the attributeTypePresentationIdBinding binding
extension point
allows to bind a presentation id to an attribute type. Presentations configured with an attribute but without a
kind will use the presentation specified in this extension point. As our example is an additional presentation,
we will not register it to be default for boolean.
net.. on the
<extension point="com.ibm.team.workitem.ide.ui.editorPresentations">
<editorpresentation <br=""> class="com.xx.extensions.DeliverableFromWorkitem"
<attributetype id="smallString"/>
the custom attribute must be of the type specified in the XML.
the system must SUPPORT that type, ie , you cannot 'invent' a new datatype
(that I have found yet!).
then in the PRESENTATION definition for that attribute, when the plugin is installed in Eclipse runtime you are using for the process configuration editing, the KIND
should display in the Kind dropdown.
NOW, when u create a workitem of that type AND the tab with that presentation on it is brought to the foreground, the supporting class will be called
sorry, we don't really support adding new data types, nor adding custom presentations. All these extension points and APIs are internal APIs which can change any time. We also can not help you on how to use those.
Millard already summarized the supported options we have: Enumerations and http value sets.
I am confused.. here is the documented way to add custom attribute presentations
I am thus using that model with defined extension points..
I understand that currently there is no support for adding new data types, but I can create a new presentation over an existing data type.
after working on this for a few days now, I see that combo will never really be a usable UI choice... so, like other type, I'll have to present a dialog to select things..I can use the combo to SHOW the already selected..
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