How do I generate test case execution records when using suites?
2 answers
A test suite is a collection of test cases that are grouped for test execution purposes. As such, you generate/run an test suite execution record for a test suite (see If you want to create/run
test suite execution record(s) for the test case(s) in the test suite, you can do this in the test plan editor (see
test suite execution record(s) for the test case(s) in the test suite, you can do this in the test plan editor (see
When using suites, you can generate Test Suite Execution Records(TSER).
You can generate the Test Case Execution Records(TCER) by directly browsing to the test case.
To have the traceability, you may want to associate your test cases and test suites to test plan.
This way you have both the option of generating a TSER and TCER and have its coverage wrt testplan.
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