RTC upgrade and migration
We have done some testing on RTC 3.0.1, using the 10 users limited version, because it was a small trial project, in a couple of different projects.
The experiment has been a success, and we have since acquired RTC full token licenses in order to set up a production environment for all our System and SW developers.
The production environment is based on SQLServer, in order to support many more developers.
We have the problem now to move the older projects, based on RTC 3.0.1 and Catalina on two different servers and consolidate them into the production server which is on another Windows server.
So the activities I see is consist of merging two projects and upgrading and at the same time moving the RTC data to another server with a different DB technology
The solution shown in the thread only deal with one aspect of my problem, we have to perform multiple activities and it is not totally clear for us in which order we can perform them.
Can anyone advice on the feasibility of the activity and suggest where an effective solution can be found ?
We are building a couple of virtual machines to be used as test beds for the migration, that would not constitute a problem.
Thanks in advance for any advice.
One answer
well, this is not a trivial question ant there won't be a trivial answer either.
- See this topic for how to migrate DB and if you want to the APP server: http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/clmhelp/v4r0m1/nav/6_3
- See this question about moving to another server. https://jazz.net/forum/questions/101883/physically-move-rtc-on-tomcat-from-one-server-to-another-server
In general you can move to another machine, app server and DB (using repotools) as long as you keep the public URI stable. In your case, after moving to 4.x you could use a server rename - contact support - to change the public URI, since your scenario Test -> Prod is supported.
However, you can not split projects. As far as I am aware, there is no way to export a complete project with all artifacts to some transfer format and import them on another server. This is a feature that several users request, it is not yet supported though, as far as I am aware.
You can use distributed SCM to bring SCM data over to another project on another server.
You can export work items as CSV file and import them into another project. There will be data loss though, for example the history.
Hope this helps.
Thanks for the answer Ralph. I was afraid it was not going to be easy or trivial. I shall carefully read what you have told me.
I was afraid of losing the history, which might not be a huge problem, as the projects are not mission critical for us.
Only one point, I do not need to split project, just the opposite, I need to merge them. I suppose I can create the project in the new server and import the data. I will have to study better the distributed SCM though.
What do you advice, to learn more ?
Merge is the same situation as split. You can keep the SCM history using distributed SCM (please note the license restrictions for it). See https://jazz.net/library/article/535 for an introduction. As a remark, making server friends is only required to use the associated work item links across servers.
The main issue is importing work items, get links back and the like. If you don't do a big effort, you will loose history. See http://rsjazz.wordpress.com/2012/08/01/uploading-attachments-to-work-items/ for some thoughts on this.
Look at CSV export/import and at distributed SCM.
Sorry for asking again, what about license restriction ? I have full token licenses for all Rational products and all flavours of RTC. What do you exactly mean ?
Then you should be fine.However, please read https://jazz.net/downloads/rational-team-concert/releases/4.0.1 especially at the bottom