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Tomcat server won't start after installing CLM 4.0.1 with an Evaluation Topology

David Fardoe (13124) | asked Jan 29 '13, 12:48 p.m.
I have installed the Rational solution for CLM on Windows 7 for the purposes of doing a demonstration.

I have followed the steps outlined in the Interactive Setup Guide, and the installation proceeds normally, until I reach step 4 -- Start the Apache Tomcat Server.  When I reach the step to start the server and run setup to configure it, the server will not start.

When I attempt to run the server from the command line, a second command prompt window is quickly displayed, then closed.  The log files int <JazzInstallDir>\server\tomcat\logs all remain empty.

My initial attempt was on Windows 7 in a VMware virtual machine.  When I ran into the issue, I tried installing to a CentOS virtual machine instead.  Both encountered the same issue.

I appreciate any advice that might help me resolve this.


Jim Ruehlin commented Jan 29 '13, 1:02 p.m.

Your problem is probably because you are executing server.startup from a command window that is not an Administrator window.

Open a command window by right-clicking on the Command item in the Start menu and selecting Run as Administrator. Then run server.startup. You should see the second command window open, but it will remain and you'll see the status messages as the server and applications are initialized.

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Benjamin Silverman (4.1k610) | answered Jan 29 '13, 12:56 p.m.
Hi David,

This usually happens when the system does not have enough RAM to start.  By default, the Tomcat startup script uses a 4GB JVM heap, so if your system cannot allocate the memory for the JVM, Tomcat will not start.  I would suggest making sure the VM has at least 8GB of RAM.  To confirm this is the case, you can modify the server.startup file in the server home directory and change the following lines to a smaller value (ie - 2GB).  If the server starts up, that is your issue, but I would not recommend you do not continue further until the server can start with 4G.  Hope it helps,

David Fardoe selected this answer as the correct answer

David Fardoe commented Jan 29 '13, 1:22 p.m.

I was able to increase the memory allocation to the VM, and it seems to be running fine.

Looks like that was it.

Thanks Benjamin!

YOGESH LOKHANDE commented Jul 24 '13, 1:16 a.m.

 same thing i try with same config but its not running

2 other answers

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Ara Masrof (3.2k15) | answered Jan 29 '13, 12:59 p.m.
Have you tried to start tomcat with the Run as Admin option?
Also, are there any errors/warnings in the system Event Viewer that coincide with the start up attempt?

David Fardoe commented Jan 29 '13, 1:24 p.m.

I did try running as Admin, but got the same result.  No errors/warnings in the event viewer either.

I tried increasing the available memory as Benjamin suggested, and that got it.

Thanks for your response, Ara!

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Jim Ruehlin (79114) | answered Jan 29 '13, 1:04 p.m.
Your problem is probably because you are executing server.startup from a command window that is not an Administrator window.

Open a command window by right-clicking on the Command item in the Start menu and selecting Run as Administrator. Then run server.startup. You should see the second command window open, but it will remain and you'll see the status messages as the server and applications are initialized.

David Fardoe commented Jan 29 '13, 1:25 p.m.

I did try running as Admin, but got the same result.  Just a command prompt window that closed immediately.

I tried Benjamin's suggestion (increasing available memory) and that seemed to do it.

Thanks for your response, Jim!

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