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RQM upgrade from version 2.0.1 ifix3 to CLM v3 and above

Abhijith Rao (171912) | asked Jan 29 '13, 2:28 a.m.

Current configuration of our servers are given below. We are trying to upgrade RQM v2.0.1 ifix3 to CLM v3 and above. Can you please let us know:

1. what are the risks/issues which might occur?

2. After migration, can I install RTC and RRC on the same JTS server? Plan is to use all 3 tools together in future.

3. What are the exact accurate steps that I need to follow to make it a success?

Current server information are:

RQM, CQ, ReqPro are integrated. RQM version is 2.0.1 ifix3. CQ and ReqPro version is 7. Database is SQL Server 2005.

Jim Ruehlin commented Jan 29 '13, 11:41 a.m.
  1. Upgrading to 3.x is a complex process. There are many issues that can arise, but many are due to not following the (long and complex) instructions. Don't take anything for granted - use all the instructions that Stephane listed and follow them all. Don't skip anything unless you are absolutely sure you don't need to do it on your system. For example, if there are instructions on installing RRDI but if you don't do reporting, then you can safely skip those.

  2. Yes, you can associate RTC, RRC, and RQM with the same JTS server. They can also live on the same physical server as the JTS server, or a different physical server. You can associate many installations of RTC and RQM with a single JTS. But you can only have one RRC installation associated with one JTS, and a JTS can only serve on RRC (1-to-1).

  3. In addition to the links that Stephane provided, I look at the CLM 2011 Upgrade Workshop. The process is complex, so it helps to "practice" using the workshop. You only need to perform the JTS and RQM related steps since those are the only pieces of CLM that you are upgrading.

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Stephane Leroy (1.4k149) | answered Jan 29 '13, 4:57 a.m.
Hi Abhijith,

for the upgrade from 2.x to 3.x, I encourage you to read these 2 central articles :
( Note: in case you use RQM local defect and task-quality work items, check this Infocenter article : Accessing local defect and task-quality work items )
Of huge importance is that you clearly understand what maintaining the URI stability means:
Moving Jazz Servers and URI Stability with CLM 2011

for the upgrade from 3.x to 4.x, refer to this :
Since you have questions wrt. the future topology of your CLM, a good first read would be :

From a general perspective, to make it a success, you will need to test the upgrade(s) on a staging environment first.


Abhijith Rao selected this answer as the correct answer

Abhijith Rao commented Jan 29 '13, 9:44 p.m.

One more query was: one of the steps state that we need to migrate to first before going to v3. Do we have the exact steps for this?

One other answer

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Rajat Singh (59833545) | answered Feb 02 '13, 6:32 a.m.
edited Feb 02 '13, 6:33 a.m.
Please follow the below link to upgrade to v2.0.1.1 before upgrading to v3:

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