How JPaas with IBM Smart cloud works?
3 answers
I should also add, with SmartCloud Continuous Delivery we're not abstracting things from you like a typical PaaS will do. We use Virtual System Patterns so that developers don't have to worry about the low-level details of getting their systems set up, but you still have full access to the VMs that are deployed, and the application you're developing can do anything you could do on a standard VM.
Oh, one more thing... :-)
I would be remiss if I didn't point you here:
"IBM SmartCloud Application Workload Service (SCAWS) eliminates the tedium of managing middleware and infrastructure, enabling IT to more easily, quickly and repeatedly deploy WebSphere-based applications to IBM's public cloud, SmartCloud Enterprise."
I would be remiss if I didn't point you here:
"IBM SmartCloud Application Workload Service (SCAWS) eliminates the tedium of managing middleware and infrastructure, enabling IT to more easily, quickly and repeatedly deploy WebSphere-based applications to IBM's public cloud, SmartCloud Enterprise."