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Disappearing Items

Jennifer Schachter (11121) | asked Nov 03 '08, 6:03 p.m.
When planning for a new iteration (Sprint N) with RTC I stumbled upon a problem. During the containment discussion we decided to move out a Task and so I chose "Plan For --> Sprint n+1" from the context menu. I later noticed that there is no Sprint N+1 backlog, nor was the item in the any other backlog that I could find! It seemed to have vanished without any warnings or errors.

I was able to restore the Task by finding it in my local history and moving it back to the Release, but I am not sure why it disappeared in the first place. Any idea?

Thanks in advance!


2 answers

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Johannes Rieken (1.2k1) | answered Nov 04 '08, 3:28 a.m.
I was able to restore the Task by finding it in my local history and
moving it back to the Release, but I am not sure why it disappeared
in the first place. Any idea?

You have to understand an iteration plan as a query with a rich

presentation. To 'find' your task (sprint n+1) you could have created a
plan for that sprint. The plan captures all work items that are
(already) planned for that sprint.

Cheers, Johannes
Agile Planning Team

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Jennifer Schachter (11121) | answered Nov 04 '08, 2:06 p.m.
Thanks - that insight is very helpful.


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