Extending Project Area tree

4 answers

Can you clarify what you mean by "new entry to the project area" ? If you
mean a child node under the project area, then that article explains it.
Within the Team Artifacts view, standard domains are shown under each
project area. They need to return true for Domain#supportsCategory(Category
category) when the supplied category is a
com.ibm.team.process.rcp.ui.teamnavigator.ProjectAreaCategory. Some example
standard domains shown in the Team Artifacts view are the Builds, Streams,
and Plans domains
mean a child node under the project area, then that article explains it.
Within the Team Artifacts view, standard domains are shown under each
project area. They need to return true for Domain#supportsCategory(Category
category) when the supplied category is a
com.ibm.team.process.rcp.ui.teamnavigator.ProjectAreaCategory. Some example
standard domains shown in the Team Artifacts view are the Builds, Streams,
and Plans domains