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Is RTC considered a standard eclipse instance

Fred Bickford (281832) | asked Aug 08 '07, 6:50 p.m.
Trying to simply plugin in Rational CQ plugin to consolidate work, after installing TPTP 4(requirement), I get the following during install:

Current configuration contains errors that are not corrected by the requested operation and more errors would be introduced. See details for more information.
----- Current configuration problems -----
Managed Agent Explorer (4.4.0.v200707080100-7E7D8Y2hE77Y7W8W7A77) requires plug-in "org.eclipse.emf".
TPTP ProbeKit (4.3.100.v200707090100-7E5EAU2hE77Y7S_S8C8B) requires plug-in "org.eclipse.emf.edit.ui".
----- Configuration problems after the operation -----
Managed Agent Explorer (4.4.0.v200707080100-7E7D8Y2hE77Y7W8W7A77) requires plug-in "org.eclipse.emf".
TPTP ProbeKit (4.3.100.v200707090100-7E5EAU2hE77Y7S_S8C8B) requires plug-in "org.eclipse.emf.edit.ui".
Rational ClearQuest ( requires feature "org.eclipse.emf (2.0.0)", or compatible.
Rational ClearQuest Core ( requires feature "org.eclipse.emf (2.0.0)", or compatible.
Rational ClearQuest Language Pack ( requires feature "org.eclipse.emf (2.0.0)", or compatible.
Rational ClearQuest Core Language Pack ( requires feature "org.eclipse.emf (2.0.0)", or compatible.

I have no problems with CCRC, yet it merely requires GEF.

I see that RTC has EMF in a separate directory. is this planned..... I know this request or need is unusual, yet should RTC behave like traditional Eclipse instances, or should it be treated like a RCP app that isnt extendable ?

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James Moody (3.3k24) | answered Aug 10 '07, 10:44 a.m.
As far as I know, Team Concert includes only a subset of EMF, and in
particular doesn't include the top-level feature "org.eclipse.emf".
Kevin or Sonia might be able to provide more details here.


fabickfo wrote:
Trying to simply plugin in Rational CQ plugin to consolidate work,
after installing TPTP 4(requirement), I get the following during

Current configuration contains errors that are not corrected by the
requested operation and more errors would be introduced. See details
for more information.
----- Current configuration problems -----
Managed Agent Explorer (4.4.0.v200707080100-7E7D8Y2hE77Y7W8W7A77)
requires plug-in "org.eclipse.emf".
TPTP ProbeKit (4.3.100.v200707090100-7E5EAU2hE77Y7S_S8C8B)
requires plug-in "org.eclipse.emf.edit.ui".
----- Configuration problems after the operation -----
Managed Agent Explorer (4.4.0.v200707080100-7E7D8Y2hE77Y7W8W7A77)
requires plug-in "org.eclipse.emf".
TPTP ProbeKit (4.3.100.v200707090100-7E5EAU2hE77Y7S_S8C8B)
requires plug-in "org.eclipse.emf.edit.ui".
Rational ClearQuest ( requires feature
"org.eclipse.emf (2.0.0)", or compatible.
Rational ClearQuest Core ( requires feature
"org.eclipse.emf (2.0.0)", or compatible.
Rational ClearQuest Language Pack ( requires
feature "org.eclipse.emf (2.0.0)", or compatible.
Rational ClearQuest Core Language Pack (
requires feature "org.eclipse.emf (2.0.0)", or compatible.

I have no problems with CCRC, yet it merely requires GEF.

I see that RTC has EMF in a separate directory. is this planned..... I
know this request or need is unusual, yet should RTC behave like
traditional Eclipse instances, or should it be treated like a RCP app
that isnt extendable ?

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