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Build failed for sample application

Yohko Tanaka (10523239) | asked Dec 26 '12, 5:29 a.m.
edited Dec 26 '12, 5:34 a.m.

I'm trying to build the Sample Application of SmartCloud Continuous Delivery.(I use IWD as a cloud host.)

When I execute a build, I see an error like this(in the    remote_std_out.log for jetty server):

[Wed, 26 Dec 2012 04:07:34 -0500] INFO: Processing ram_package[Money That Matters] action download (jke::application line 29)
W, [2012-12-26T04:07:34.087020 #4669]  WARN -- : password is stored as plaintext
[Wed, 26 Dec 2012 04:07:34 -0500] ERROR: ram_package[Money That Matters] (jke::application line 29) has had an error
[Wed, 26 Dec 2012 04:07:34 -0500] ERROR: ram_package[Money That Matters] (/tmp/ `from_file') had an error:
ram_package[Money That Matters] (jke::application line 29) had an error: RuntimeError: No package was downloaded for the resource: <ram_package[Money That Matters] @delayed_notifications: [] @action: :download @before: nil @state: "Ready for Verification, Certified" @cookbook_name: :jke @ignore_failure: false @type: nil @immediate_notifications: [] @noop: nil @supports: {} @expand: "artifact" @version: "" @path: "/srv" @source_line: "/tmp/ `from_file'" @provider: nil @enclosing_provider: nil @retry_delay: 2 @resource_name: :ram_package @repository_name: nil @updated_by_last_action: false @guid: "JKE_app" @allowed_actions: [:nothing, :download, :create] @params: {} @name: "Money That Matters" @recipe_name: "application" @retries: 0 @updated: false>
/tmp/ `download_package'
/tmp/ `class_from_file'

[Wed, 26 Dec 2012 04:07:34 -0500] ERROR: Running exception handlers
[Wed, 26 Dec 2012 04:07:34 -0500] ERROR: Exception handlers complete
[Wed, 26 Dec 2012 04:07:34 -0500] FATAL: Stacktrace dumped to /tmp/chef-solo/chef-stacktrace.out
[Wed, 26 Dec 2012 04:07:34 -0500] FATAL: RuntimeError: ram_package[Money That Matters] (jke::application line 29) had an error: RuntimeError: No package was downloaded for the resource: <ram_package[Money That Matters] @delayed_notifications: [] @action: :download @before: nil @state: "Ready for Verification, Certified" @cookbook_name: :jke @ignore_failure: false @type: nil @immediate_notifications: [] @noop: nil @supports: {} @expand: "artifact" @version: "" @path: "/srv" @source_line: "/tmp/ `from_file'" @provider: nil @enclosing_provider: nil @retry_delay: 2 @resource_name: :ram_package @repository_name: nil @updated_by_last_action: false @guid: "JKE_app" @allowed_actions: [:nothing, :download, :create] @params: {} @name: "Money That Matters" @recipe_name: "application" @retries: 0 @updated: false> exited with code 1; exiting bootstrap

This error happnes at the [Validate the deployed application] activity phase.
I have no idea on where to check, and how to determine the problem.
Does anybody face the same situation? I really appreciate it if somebody could give me any information.

2 answers

permanent link
Saurabh Agarwal (111123) | answered Jan 03 '13, 10:53 a.m.
Check the ram.conf file in the directory /etc/ram.repos.d. It should point to your library server installation.

permanent link
Yohko Tanaka (10523239) | answered Jan 07 '13, 3:27 a.m.
Thank you for the answer.
I checked /etc/ram.repos.d and it seems fine.
I tried several times and somehow it worked well.
I'll check more about what was wrong.

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