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Birt report for all work items across project area is blank

Vivek Pandey (4321738) | asked Dec 18 '12, 10:37 p.m.


I have authored a custom report using BIRT , which fetches "task" work-items across all project areas.

The expected result set is more than 50,000 work -items.

However, report runs for few minutes and after that, it just goes blank.

But when I preview the report in BIRT, it displays the data correctly.

what could be issue here and how can it be resolved ?

6 answers

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Vivek Pandey (4321738) | answered Dec 18 '12, 10:40 p.m.
I have tried using live tables as well as Workitem snapshot , but result is still the same.

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Vladimir Amelin (70472226) | answered Dec 19 '12, 3:09 a.m.

First of all BIRT Preview can display different results due to

Also please check "Include Archived" checkbox as it may filter out work items by default.

Vivek Pandey commented Dec 19 '12, 9:50 a.m.

Also , what could be the reason for not showing the work-items in the report ?

Why it runs for few minutes displaying "loading ..." and then goes blank

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Vivek Pandey (4321738) | answered Dec 19 '12, 8:45 a.m.

Hi Vladimir,

Thanks for replying.

Where do i find option "include archived" ?

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Vivek Pandey (4321738) | answered Dec 19 '12, 9:49 a.m.

Also , what could be the reason for not showing the work-items in the report ?

Why it runs for few minutes displaying "loading ..." and then goes blank.

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Vladimir Amelin (70472226) | answered Dec 19 '12, 10:06 a.m.
Usally it means report fetched and handles fata but filters it out on last stages. Include Archived checkbox

Vivek Pandey commented Dec 19 '12, 10:12 a.m.

Thanks Vladimir.

we are using RTC 3.0.1.

Also, these work-item / project areas/ team areas are not archived. out of 50,000 work-items expected, actually report shows nothing.

It is completely blank page.

Is there any restriction on number of work-items shown in the RTC BIRT report ? is there any setting / switch  that could be responsible for it ?

Vladimir Amelin commented Dec 19 '12, 10:26 a.m.

I'm not aware of any limits, 50k work items is usual. I guess you should debug your report and insert some "total.count();" to identify stage where data are lost.

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Jorge Iglesias (8176) | answered Feb 05 '13, 6:35 a.m.
Hi Vladimir, we have same problem,
you know how
we can change this property? only happens when we have more than 1000 work items.

Same BIRT custom report if result size is under 1000, works.

Is it possible to configure the result set size property?

Vladimir Amelin commented Feb 05 '13, 9:25 a.m.

Result set limit works in BIRT Preview only, in RTC there's no limit I'm aware of. Do you want to make BIRT Preview able to fetch more than 1000 rows?

Jorge Iglesias commented Feb 05 '13, 4:01 p.m.

Hi Vladimir, I think I have problems with my custom report. Let me check the custom report in the coming days I hope to answer this post.
Thank you for your quick response.

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