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Buildforge: step can not be safed when using special characters

Christian May (1123) | asked Dec 11 '12, 8:53 a.m.
edited Dec 11 '12, 8:55 a.m.
The following pretty simple step can not be safed:


Also, masking the special characters with a backslash (\) is not helping.

I'm using bfproject

Any ideas?


3 answers

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Spencer Murata (2.3k115971) | answered Dec 11 '12, 9:56 a.m.
 I'm not exactly sure what you are doing or what you are seeing, but for variable expansion problems remember that the command will be parsed TWICE.  Build Forge will take a pass at variable expansion and will attempt to expand variables for its own environment, and then the shell will take a variable expansion pass.  If the shell starts another shell it will possibly take more variable expansion passes.  To bypass the BF variable expansion try  _NO_PREPARSE_COMMAND in the step.  Otherwise double up any variable characters.

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Christian May (1123) | answered Dec 11 '12, 10:19 a.m.
Hi Spencer, thanks for your quick response. Actually, all I want to do is call a Linux command (ls -asl) and modify the output by using awk. The command on my host system will show the following:

[root@jabulan-lp4 ~]# ls -asl | awk '{ print $5 }'


When trying to put this Linux command into the buildforge step, I can not save the step... It seems to be related to the awk part because the simple "ls -asl" is working. I'm trying to mask the '{ print $5 }'- expression like \'{ print $5 }\'  but this is not helping...

Spencer Murata commented Dec 11 '12, 10:51 a.m. | edited Dec 11 '12, 10:51 a.m.

Ok the answer then is the same.  The problem is the $5 will be interpreted to 5 by BF, so either use the preparse on the step or double up the $ character.

ls -asl | awk '{ print $$5 }' 

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Christian May (1123) | answered Dec 11 '12, 11:02 a.m.
I've changed the environments to

and changed the environment in my library..not helping.

I've changed the masking..not helping...

After changing the command in the step and saveing the step, I would like to start the library but then I'm getting this message:


Spencer Murata commented Dec 11 '12, 11:19 a.m.

What exactly do you see in the step log when you escape the $5?

Christian May commented Dec 11 '12, 11:27 a.m. | edited Dec 11 '12, 11:28 a.m.

I can not run this modified step because I can not save it - I need to usue the ^for escaping. And not only the $ is the problem, the ' are causing trouble too. I can escape them using ^ but then the awk expression was producing an error:

184 12/11/12 10:30 AM       ENV BF_USER_LOGIN=root
185 12/11/12 10:30 AM       ENV BF_W=2
186 12/11/12 10:30 AM       ENV LANG=C
187 12/11/12 10:30 AM       ENV REMOTE_HOST=::ffff:
188 12/11/12 10:30 AM       ENV _NO_PREPARSE_COMMAND=1
189 12/11/12 10:30 AM       EXEC    spawning shell [/bin/bash]
190 12/11/12 10:30 AM       SCRIPT  lsscsi | awk ^'{ print $$4 }^'
191 12/11/12 10:30 AM       EXEC    start [/tmp/lsscsi/]
192 12/11/12 10:30 AM       EXEC    awk: ^{ print $$4 }^
193 12/11/12 10:30 AM       EXEC    awk: ^ syntax error
194 12/11/12 10:30 AM       EXEC    end [/tmp/lsscsi/]
195 12/11/12 10:30 AM       RESULT  1 (1)

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